Investment Banking Boutique Investment Banking Boutique Investment Banking Boutique

“HORTUS advisers were of great help for me when succesfully selling mu business to big finish corporation.”

Kęstutis Sinskas
The former owner of engineering company “Gensina”

“This is reliable navigation and support in the highseas of decision making and negotiations.”

Mindaugas Karalius
Managing director of “MK Laivyba”

“I would like to thank you in the name of KPMG for professional project management; this is true pleasure to cooperate with such partners even being on the opposite side.”

Darius Klimasauskas
Head of Corporate Finance “KPMG Baltics”

“I was looking for the advisors with solid performance. HORTUS advisors were very professional and they negotiaton skills resulted in successful deal.”

Virginijus Juškys,
former 25% shareholder of “Somlita”


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1. Confidentiality

We guarantee the confidentiality of each client and respect their privacy in all aspects. We take the utmost care to ensure all information is secure and not disclosed to any third parties without consent.

2. Professionality

Our team aims to work efficiently, we do not avoid difficult or delicate tasks. We aim to solve all problems professional.


  • We are excited by risk, but we are not reckless.
  • We do not make money without our client’s knowledge and consent;
  • We refuse to take part in illegal or unethical business conduct;
  • We prove the value of ideas by bringing them to fruition.

3. Consistency and reliability

  • Discipline, and by that we mean self-discipline, helps us to reach the goals we set.
  • We work purposefully, accurately, systematically.
  • We never lose sight of details as these are essential to complete a task excellently. We seek to gain a reputation for doing small jobs as equally well as large projects

4. Attention to our clients

  • The ability to quickly resolve a client’s problems is our competitive advantage.
  • The strength behind our business is the good relationships we develop with our clients.