Investment Banking Boutique Investment Banking Boutique Investment Banking Boutique

“HORTUS advisers were of great help for me when succesfully selling mu business to big finish corporation.”

Kęstutis Sinskas
The former owner of engineering company “Gensina”

“I would like to thank you in the name of KPMG for professional project management; this is true pleasure to cooperate with such partners even being on the opposite side.”

Darius Klimasauskas
Head of Corporate Finance “KPMG Baltics”

“I was looking for the advisors with solid performance. HORTUS advisors were very professional and they negotiaton skills resulted in successful deal.”

Virginijus Juškys,
former 25% shareholder of “Somlita”

“This is reliable navigation and support in the highseas of decision making and negotiations.”

Mindaugas Karalius
Managing director of “MK Laivyba”


The business sale of the  “Juodasis gintaras” (trademark GAMO) was completed

The company’s activities are airtight insulation of walls, ceilings, roofs, floors, and facades of buildings under construction, built, or renovated. The business was acquired by a strategic investor – a …

Business sale transaction of UAB ,,Kauno spauda”

    The business sale transaction of UAB ,,Kauno spauda” was completed on 05.2024. The company has 40 pavilions in Kaunas city where they sell newspapers, transport tickets, souvenirs, drinks …

The sale of windows manufacturer ,,Skandinavijos langai“

The sale of 100% of the shares in UAB ,,Skandinavijos langai“, which manufactures and sells windows only for export to Scandinavian countries, has been completed on 05.03.2024. The company’s customers …

The controlling stake was acquired in ,,Instreita“

    The controlling stake was acquired in ,,Instreita“ – the company providing trade, maintenance and sharpening services for industrial saws, drills and tools. ,,Instreita“ has been operating since 1997 …

50% of shares of  “Energus Power Solutions” were sold to private Lithuanian investor

07.05.2021  50% of shares of  “Energus Power Solutions” were sold to private Lithuanian investor. The company is delivering lightweight, high density power storage for engineering teams within automotive, air, defence, utility …

The shares concentration of interior outfitting company ,,Aros Marine”

  06.04.2021 The shares concentration of interior outfitting company ,,Aros Marine”, providing interior outfitting services worldwide. They services include HVAC systems, furniture production, design & engineering. 2020 company sales were …

On-line travel agency “Pasirink sparnus” shares were sold

  01.12.2020 “Hortus Investment Banking” was sell-side advisor to on-line travel agency “Meganora” shareholders – trade mark “Pasirink sparnus” – on selling their shares. “Meganora” 2019m. sales was  0,6 mln. …

Lithuanian  interior and gifts  retail stores chain IMDECO was sold

      “Hortus Investment Banking” was financial and strategic advisors to company “Interjero mados” shareholders for sale  of Lithuanian  interior and gifts  3 shops  retail stores chain IMDECO. Target …

Parduotas IMDECO interjero prekių parduotuvių tinklas

    “Hortus Investment Banking” atstovavo UAB “Interjero mados” akcininkus parduodant interjero, aksesuarų ir dovanų mažmeninės prekybos  parduotuvių tinklą Lietuvoje (3 parduotuvės), prekinis ženklas IMDECO. UAB “Interjero mados” 2018m. pardavimai …

The shares concentration of the largest fertility clinic in Lithuania

The shares concentration of the largest fertility clinic in Lithuania which conducts the greatest number of assisted insemination cycles. “Vaisingumo klinika”  provides the highest level of clinical care. The clinic is …

Acquisition of organic and healthy products retail stores chain LIVINN

  29.01.2019 “Hortus Investment Banking” was financial and strategic advisors to company “Sveiki produktai” shareholders to sale  Lithuanian  organic and healthy products  5 shops  retail stores chain LIVINN. Target sales in …

Concentration of international transport companies group

  On 22.08.2018 the shares concentration of international transport companies group “Samarina”, “Ligranta” and “Kvadriga” has been organized. “Hortus Investment Banking” was the sell side advisor to minority private shareholder.

Lithuanian and Latvian sport shoes and clothes retail stores chain has been sold

    24.04.2018 “Hortus Investment Banking” was financial and strategic advisors to company “Bogvila” shareholders to sale  Lithuanian (10 shops) and Latvian ( 2 shops) sport shoes and clothes – …

Concentration of professional cleaning and hygiene supply business

               14.02.2018 The shares concentration of professional cleaning and hygiene supply companies  “Dekoralas” and “Clean  Elite”  has been organized. “Hortus Investment Banking” was the sell …

Video surveillance service business was sold

  11.01.2018 “Hortus Investment Banking” was sell-side advisors to  “ACTA IUVENTUS” (trade mark STEBIT) shareholders selling Video surveillance service business to  “Vaizdo stebėjimo sprendimai” (ICOR group company).

Board membership

Managing director of “Hortus Investment Banking” Valdemaras Vaičekauskas was elected a Chairman of “Smiltynės perkėla”  (Klaipėda port local ferry company) Board as an independent Board member.

The shares concentration of lithuanian  arthroscopy and orthopedy products distributor

The shares concentration of lithuanian  arthroscopy and orthopedy products distributor “GAMEDA” has been organized. “Hortus Investment Banking” was the buy side advisor to majority private shareholder.

Agricultural cooperative business has been sold

27.08.2015 “Hortus Investment Banking” advised telecommunications integration company “TVC”  shareholders and private equity fund “Practica Capital” on selling agricultural cooperative business of “Raseinių javai”. Partners of the deal : law …

The shares concentration of lithuanian agriculture group

On 27.05.2015 the shares concentration of lithuanian agriculture group of companies “ROBUSTA” has been organized. “Hortus Investment Banking” was the sell side advisor to minority private shareholder of 25% stake.

Sale of 90% shares of “Elektros tinklas

20.11.2014 “Hortus Investment Banking” advised the shareholders of electrical instalations maintenance firm “Elektros tinklas” on selling their 90% of shares to strategic investor.

Business expansion financing

The conference „Business expansion financing“, which was organized by lithuanian business newspaper „ Verslo Zinios“ , took part in Vilnius on 29th of May in 2014 and attrracted 140 participants …

Acquisition of international road transport company

18.03.2014 “Hortus Investment Banking” advised the shareholders of international road transport company “West trucks” on selling their business to global cargo transportation and forwarding group “Arijus”.

Deal with the private equity fund “Practica Capital”

11.02.2014 “Hortus Investment Banking” advised telecommunications integration company “TVC” on selling 25% of shares to private equity fund “Practica Capital”. Partners of the deal : law firm “SORAINEN” and audit …

“Hortus Investment Banking” has purchased a veterinary goods mini-market chain

“Hortus Investment Banking” has purchased 20-outlets mini-market chain “ZooVet” of veterinary goods in Lithuania.

The shares concentration of lithuanian polyethylene film manufacturer has been organized

The shares concentration of lithuanian polyethylene film manufacturer and plastic waste recycling company “Somlita” has been organized. “Hortus Investment Banking” was the sell side advisor to minority private shareholder of …

“Hortus Investment Banking” has organized a concentration of shares at lithuanian vegetables processor “Jovaige”

“Hortus Investment Banking” has organized a concentration of shares at lithuanian vegetables processor “Jovaige” Deal partners: the bank – “DnB Nord Bank” the auditors – “Rimess Baltic” the lawyers – …

“Hortus Investment Banking” has acquired 75 % of shares of one of the biggest lithuanian business consultancy company “SDG”

“Hortus Investment Banking” has acquired 75 % of shares of one of the biggest lithuanian business consultancy company “SDG” Deal partners: the bank – “Unicredit Bank” the auditors – “Moore …

Conference “The stereotypes of the small country”

Managing director of “Hortus Investment Banking” Valdemaras Vaičekauskashas made presentation “CORE VALUES AND RESPONSIBILITY OF LITHUANIAN BUSINESS ELITE” on the conference “The stereotypes of the small country” . The conference …

“Rautaruukki Corporation” (Finland) acquired 100 percent shares of JSC “Gensina”

The international supplier of metal components and systems for the construction and mechanical engineering industry “Rautaruukki Corporation” (Finland) acquired 100 percent shares of JSC ” Gensina “. JSC ” Gensina …

The conference “Investments labyrinths: how to make solutions?”

The conference „Investments labyrinths: how to make solutions?“, which was organized by „ Verslo Zinios“ and „Hansabankas“, took part in Vilnius on 30th of August in 2007 and atrracted 369 …

The conference “Modern development of business: purchases and mergers of companies”

The company of investment banking „Hortus Investment“ together with business consultation company „Erra“ and daily paper „Klaipėda“ invited the managers and shareholders from the West Lithuania‘s companies to the conference …